9 Things To Help Stay Busy During Quarantine - Stuck at Home Checklist

9 Things To Help Stay Busy During Quarantine - Stuck at Home Checklist

Well, the country is stuck at home. Even those who haven’t been “sheltered in” or ordered to “stay at home” are home-bound because everything has shut down. Except the for essentials, everything is pretty much closed. Not that we want to expose ourselves and further the spread of COVID-19! Still, it’s a drastic change that we must adjust to, uncomfortable as it may be. This is our new temporarily indefinite reality.

Like everyone else, my little family of two is working from home until further notice. We are on self-quarantine, which means life is a tad bit boring. I’ve been trying to find things to keep myself busy, and sharing my ideas is my way of contributing. I hope y’all can benefit from my list!


  1. Read a book or listen to one! I love reading and lately, I just haven’t had time. Before this week, I hadn’t read a new book since last year. I finally had time to read and it has been SO good for me, and it’s been a great way to pass the time. (eBooks, Kindle, free apps…)
  2. Work on those things you’ve been putting off! For me, this meant cleaning out our coat closet. It was so full that we quit using it. Embarrassing but it’s my truth. Clean out the “coat closet” in your life. Maybe that means literal cleaning or maybe it means something else to you. Whatever you’ve been putting off… face it!
  3. Research local charities! This has been really weighing on my heart this past week. A lot of charity organizations are struggling extra right now. A lot of people are struggling right now. If you are able to donate, find a charity you are passionate about and donate. Even $5 makes a difference y’all. If you are not able to donate, services like Meals on Wheels need volunteers. Donate your time! Even doing something as simple as sharing an animal rescue’s social media page can make a difference. I challenge you to research one charity that supports something that is important to you and support them in some way!
  4. Facetime your friends and family, even coworkers! Seriously do it. It’s good for your soul. I am a very introverted person, but the lack of social interaction has been pretty hard for me. Facetime has been a lifesaver this week. Connect with your friends. Maybe it’s through Facetime, or maybe it’s through a game you guys can play each other on, on an app on your phone. Find ways to maintain those connections! It’s good for you.
  5. Work out! It is finally that TIME you’ve been saying you need to get in the best shape of your life. There is literally no excuse left. Plus, working out produces endorphins, which make you happy. I think we could all use a little bit of extra happiness right now. YouTube and Pinterest are full of free workouts, and a lot of gyms are releasing free online workouts because most gyms are closed. Get moving!
  6. Binge-watch television shows! This is not very productive advice, BUT I firmly stand by it. Pour yourself a quarantini and binge some Netflix. You could even do a workout while re-watching your favorite shows! Two birds, one stone.
  7. Listen to podcasts! I didn’t hop on the podcast train for too long. I had no clue what I was missing out on! Whether you like true crime or reality tv, there are great podcasts for you. The best part? They make the time go by SO quickly!
  8. Watch videos of cute animals online. This is a no brainer. Do I even have to explain why you should do this? Make sure to google penguin videos right now. Aquariums across America are posting videos of their penguins on mini “field trips” to brighten everyone’s days. Not to be dramatic but they are the BEST videos I have ever seen.
  9. Shop online! A lot of stores are currently closed, but most are still selling things online. Businesses are hurting right now. Small businesses are especially vulnerable at the moment. If you are able to, supporting businesses is a great way to pass the time. It’s also a fantastic way to treat yourself and lift your spirits. Just remember either way, every little bit helps.


At ECOMARK® we want to encourage YOU. Remember that it is okay if you don’t spend this time doing chores or tasks. Take time for yourself, and do what makes you feel good and happy right now. If that means cleaning out your metaphorical coat closet, then perfect! If it means watching ten seasons of a show you’ve already watched, even better! Do whatever is best for you right now. As for us at ECOMARK®? We will be supporting other small businesses! If you want to learn more about why it is so important now more than ever to shop small, check out our last blog post.

If you’re interested in following number 9 of our tips, check out our website. We have a great sale going on right now! Shopping sustainably from the comfort of your own home?! Another no-brainer. Have a great day loves and remember to sparkle!

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